HUM:Global UN City

HUM:Global has established a collaboration with UN City on their docUNight series – a format that encompasses a documentary film screening followed by a panel discussion with the film director(s), local experts, and representatives from the relevant UN agency.

The aim of docUNight is “to raise public awareness about global challenges and promote the work of the United Nations as well as the importance of multilateralism in addressing these issues [and] foster dialogue and collaboration among diverse stakeholders, including UN City resident agencies, civil society, academia, policy-makers, the private sector, and the general public.”

HUM:Global is establishing a committee led by PPG member, Petar Mitric from the Department of Communication, to develop the collaboration and bring films and debates that address global issues from different humanities perspectives. Would you like to be part of the HUM:Global docUNight committee and influence the program at UN City?

If you are a UCPH researcher at the Humanities with a strong interest in documentary film as a medium for exchange and debate and want to take an active part in developing the collaboration with UN City or have an idea for a particular film that you would like to propose for the series, please contact Petar Mitric.